This is quite a bright one, recorded as mag 12.3, but being compact, about 1.2 arcmin across, is easier to catch than the number suggests.
Near the top of the sky, so well clear of the rubbish near the horizon. Taken with a Vixen 260, focal length 3000mm, and an SX M25C camera, though a smaller one would do as well. Guided by an SX H9C in a WO98 on an AP 900GTO mount. Acquired in AstroArt and processed in AstroArt and Photoshop, and not cropped. 25 flats were taken and averaged but darks aren't needed with my camera. An IDAS filter was used. The exposure was 30x120sec, 120sec to retain star colours.
The 14" Meade should manage this well enough.
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