The Veil supernove remnant, all of it I think

Taken from Austerfield on the 20th of July 09 with the WYAS Pronto and a Meade .63 focal reducer. The camera was an M25C camera with an Ha filter, all riding on a 14" Meade, guided by an H9C in the Meade. The exposure was 14x600sec. Stacked and processed in AstroArt4 with final work done in Photoshop CS2.
There are lots of problems to be seen, generated mostly by the optics. Try to pick them out.

12.3.10 - Friday

A trip made to visit the observatory facilities of Doncaster AS in Austerfield near Bawtry. A moment during a break for tea and biscuits when Tim Beale explains the mount he uses to take photographs from his garden in Darrington. Looking on and listening intently are Steve Dunn and Brian Joynes.

M67 Open Cluster

Taken 7.3.10 by Tim Beale using a Canon DSLR on a Skywatcher 8" Newtonian. 11 frames taken and stacked then processed in Photoshop.
This is almost a first attempt at astrophotography.

The Centre of M42

Taken by Julian Snowden with a Nikon D90 and the 14" Meade at the Rosse Observatory, and processed by Steve Dunn in Photoshop.

2.3.10 - Tuesday

A couple of pictures of Mars taken from the Rosse observatory on 2.3.10, an Open Night, using the 14" Meade and a webcam. The job was done by the small group of budding astrophotographers who'd met at the observatory for the first time, and took the opportunity to take a record of Mars through the heavy haze/thin cloud. Mars was almost the only item that could get through it. The Moon came up later wearing what appeared to be a shawl.
Processing was done in Registax.